You will always get what you want


Zhao Yue David
RIMB'08,RJCSB'10, Trombonist'forever


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Tuesday, December 23, 2008
conflicts right now, im basically torn between YS and i will be going for rwinds cuz YS didnt have prac..shall speak about prac ystd later...but the real IMPT date is next monday, 29th of dec..which is well, one day before CODA and principal's investiture...which one should i go for? rwinds last rehearsal at RI bandroom(probably my last before i take my A lvls) or YS last rehearsal at CCAB??...its really a pain to have to choose either..but the best option thats right in front of me right now is to just go for YS prac first, then rush off for rwinds...but will there be enuff time for me to really learn something during that short rwinds prac???i have a bad feeling that this is just the tip of the iceberg of many more conflicts to come in the coming years...still, as i have said and promised, YS will always be on the top of my priorities, and i will not break that promise bar certain exceptions..

ok...lets talk about rehearsal ystd...i was first time...out of 3 really start getting out of the house earlier...anyway...reached there..saw another new trombonist, called nathaniel..think he shld be in YO or at least in NS, after overhearing their talk about SAF bands..saw jamie too...and why is everyone wearing contacts nowadays???i just dunt see the beauty of contacts..maybe thats the whole beauty of it?..anyway...went thru all the pieces...shared my solo with jamie...the real reason why i did that was cuz there was a repeat and i would have to repeat the solo again..and it would really sound boring if the same person plays it again the same i tot she might be able to bring something new to the solo and overall, to the song..prac was pretty alright, though i think i was very much off-form..must get it back ASAP..and i need to get a black bowtie!!i wonder where can i get it hmmmmm

David said 12:51 PM<3

Thursday, December 18, 2008
tickets we go again..tix anyone wondering why i only sold 3 rwinds coda tix instead of like 30 sth for jerald?i dunt really think im the tix selling type and i dunt want to force people to go for something that they either 1) dunt enjoy or 2) dunno how to appreciate or both..concerts are for people who understand music and really know how to appreciate them..concerts are not events whereby you have a full house ticket sales but everybody just falls asleep before not accussing jerald's friends of anything(in fact some of them are the most musically-inclined people i have ever known or met aka lumpy and eugene)..but i just do not like the idea that we are being forced to sell tickets to our families and friends just so that we can break even..yes, breaking even is impt but wads most impt abt a concert is bringing music and joy to the audience..and the way to do that is not by being on the stage when your 20-strong family is down there...the way to do that is to play good music for the audience who understands your music..i would rather pay to play to an audience who appreciates wad im playing rather than to play to a full house of people who do not understand the very essence of music..the way to do that is to play good music for the audience who understands your shldnt be something about kinship or should be a language that is special to all of us...musicians shld play their best for concerts, instead of putting the emphasis on tickets sold...i certainly do not want a situation where i will lose my friends just because of a ticket..and i know that will happen when you force them to musicians, we shld be judged on our abilities to bring great music and joy to the audience...not our ticket-selling powess..

David said 2:14 PM<3

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

ok...i hereby conclude that ravel hates freaking high!!!

David said 7:24 AM<3

HEY,I DON'T HATE SCHOOL KAYS..LOLL..but i just like the look of this blogskin:)