k..shall keep an update on my promos revision
Bio molecules (0%)
Cell division (0%)
DNA & Genomics (0%)
Viruses (100%)
Bacteria (100%)
Photosynthesis (100%)
Respiration (100%)
Organisation (0%)
Hmm..if only it is as rosy as it looks..sigh, dunt even think i can finish both bio molecules and cell division in a single day..
Stoichio (0%)
Atomic Structure (0%)
Chem Bonding (0%)
Gases (0%)
Periodicity (0%)
Energetics (0%)
Kinetics (0%)
Equilibria (100%)
Okay..needs to chiong already..
Stats (somewhere around 30%)
Pure maths (it will be around 60% without counting the formulas, functions and graphing techniques)
Okay, got hope of A...but still needs work
Econs (0%)
I dedicate my monday tuesday and wednesday to econs..hope it will turn out fine :(